Principal or Vice Principal Founding Principal of Elementary School
Job Description
Rochester Academy Charter School is seeking a certified School Administrator for the role of Founding Principal for its new K-5 Elementary School. RACS will be enrolling kindergarten and first grade students for 2018-19 school year.
The Founding Principal will be responsible for researching a sustainable curriculum and material options for K-5, preparing a budget, developing a comprehensive plan for elementary school as part of the RACS’ next five-year strategic plan, designing a classroom layout for kindergarten and first grade, hiring and recruiting school staff, communicating with parents and searching for grants. This is an opportunity for a leader to develop a new school building from the ground up.
The following are the general roles and responsibilities of the Elementary School Principal:
- Setting and promoting an instructional vision for the building
- Teacher Observation and Evaluation
- Supervision of Mentoring Program
- Supervision of Curriculum and Lesson Plans
- Coordination of Staff Meetings and RtI Process
- Coordination of assessments and state tests
- Supervision of Data Driven Instruction
- Working as a member of the Hiring Committee
- Determining Textbook, Hardware and Software needs and placing orders
- Supervision of Discipline
- Review of Code of Conduct
- Parent communication around issues effecting students
- Supervision of student arrival and dismissal
- Monitoring student tardiness and absenteeism
- Maintaining orderliness in the building, cafeteria and hallways
- Supervising school staff
- Submitting required reporting including VADIR (Violent and Disruptive Incident Reporting) and DASA (The Dignity for All Students Act) state reports
- Conducting emergency drills
The successful candidate will work closely with the current administrators. Elementary and early childhood experience is preferred. This is a great opportunity for a newly certified administrator, or a person seeking urban administrative experience. NYS certification as a School District or Building Administrator is preferred, but Certificate of Internship and out-of-state certification will also be considered. The Elementary School Principal will be a part of New York State Teachers Retirement and will be eligible for competitive salary, including health and dental benefits.