Principal or Vice Principal Glenwood Springs Middle School Principal
Job Description
Responsible for the collective success of a school, including the learning, growth and achievement of both students and staff. As the schools’ primary instructional leader, they will enable critical discourse and data-driven reflection about curriculum, assessment, instruction, and student progress, and create structures to facilitate improvement. They will create systems that maximize the utilization of resources and human capital, foster collaboration, and facilitate constructive change. By creating a common vision and articulating shared values, they will lead and manage their schools in a manner that supports schools’ ability to promote equity and to continually improve their positive impact on students and families.
Receives direct supervision from the Superintendent and/or Chief Academic Officer and/or Executive Director of Schools
Supervises building licensed staff and non licensed staff.
The following are examples of primary duties assigned to the Principal. Other related primary duties and responsibilities may be assigned.
Strategic Leadership: Collaboratively develop the vision, mission, values, expectations and goals of the school; Provide for data-based progress monitoring; Collaborate with staff and school community to implement strategies to move those goals forward.
Instructional Leadership: Promote school-wide efforts to establish, implement; and refine appropriate expectations for curriculum, instructional practices, assessment and use of data on student learning that result in student academic achievement; Support teachers through ongoing, actionable feedback and needs-based professional development; Hold all staff accountable for setting and achieving rigorous performance goals for all students, and empower staff to achieve these goals across content areas.
School Cultural and Equity Leadership: Articulate, model and positively reinforce a clear vision and values of the school’s culture, and involve students, families and staff in creating an inclusive and welcoming climate that supports it.
Human Resource Leadership: Establish and effectively manage processes and systems that ensure a knowledgeable, high-quality, high-performing staff; Ensure that the school is a professional learning community; Participate in job fairs, screen applications and interview candidates for certified and classified positions; supervise the Athletic Director; hire, train and supervise athletic coaches and club sponsors; schedule and coordinate games or events; attend athletic games or events and provide supervision when necessary.
Managerial Leadership: Establish systems to improve student learning and overall healthy development for all students; Proactively manage interactions and relationships, including those among and between parents/guardians, students and staff; Ensure that the school provides a supportive environment that fosters a climate of safety, respect, and well-being; Provide supervision of the school campus during school hours and at extracurricular activities sponsored by the school; Supervise student discipline to promote a positive school climate.
External Leadership: Design and/or utilize structures and processes, which result in family and community engagement, support and ownership for the school; Develop systems and relationships to leverage the school district and community resources available to them both within and outside of the school in order to maximize the school’s ability to serve the best interest of students and families.